Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mom's 50th Scrapbook- The Saga

Honorable Mentions!!!

And the winner is......

Yeesh, ever try really hard to do something special for the parental units and your dang kids make it a gongshow?? Umm welcome to the life of the Hinko girls.... We are making a scrapbook for our mom's 50th birthday and wanted to get nice family pics and a little love note in there. Also thought that it would be funny to have a shot of the grandkids with a little love note. You would have thought that we were torturing them. First off Jacey refused to do anything but scowl, Kingston wanted to tear the note and then poke everyones eyes out and Amelia just layed there. (Granted she is 3 weeks old, but c'mon, move it or lose it already) ehehehe This was a fun time actually and here is the far!

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